Project Overview

The Framework Documents include fiduciary, safeguards and technical guidelines of the World Bank and procedures of the Government of Oyo State used without creating conflicts that could be adverse to the smooth implementation of the project.


Project Type:

Project Document

Project Status:


Document Library

Project Document
Title File Doc. ID Access
Environmental and Social Management Framework ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework ESMF Nigeria - Ibadan Urban Flood Management Project : environmental and social management framework (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.
Resettlement Plan: Resettlement Policy Framework Resettlement Plan: Resettlement Policy Framework RPF Nigeria - Ibadan Urban Flood Management Project : resettlement plan : Resettlement policy framework (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.
Project Appraisal Document Project Appraisal Document PAD
Completion Level