Project Description

The Ibadan Urban Flood Management Project (IUFMP) was set up by the Oyo State Government, with the funding and technical support of the World Bank, in response to the devastating flood of 26th August, 2011 which claimed about 120 lives and destroyed properties valued at tens of billions of Naira.

This initiative of the Oyo State Government was informed by the fact that Ibadan had witnessed several disastrous flooding incidents since 1933, with successive governments engaging in measures which turned out to be more palliative than curative. It was in view of this that the IUFMP mandate was aimed at providing fundamental and far-reaching solutions to the perennial and incessant flooding that has become characteristic of Ibadan. The target of the Project was to execute a comprehensive and sustainable flood risk mitigation that will build and boost the flood resilience index of the city.  

The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to “to improve the capacity of Oyo State to effectively manage flood risk in the city of Ibadan,”

IUFMP members at a meeting
Who We Are (Our Vision, Mission, and Core Values)

IUFMP is a special vehicle project aimed at mitigating the perennial flood risk that Ibadan has been exposed to over time.

To achieve this, IUFMP works with a blend of relevant stakeholders cutting across the three tiers of Government (Federal, State and Local), the Academia, NGOs, the Community, etc. 

The Project also builds the capacity of relevant institutions and agencies to enhance its sustainability after closure.

Our Vision

  • To be the foremost institution for sustainable flood risk prevention and mitigation.

Our Mission

  • To create flood resilience and safe environment through capacity development and strategy.

Our Core Values

  • Our Core Values are Integrity, Motivation, Professionalism, Accountability, Commitment, Team Spirit summing up to the Acronym IMPACT. 



    What We Do
    With a broad-based Project Development Objective couched as “to improve the capacity of Oyo State to effectively manage flood risk in the city of Ibadan,” the IUFMP mandate covers primarily, reconstruction of hydraulic devices (bridges, culverts, etc) that were destroyed by the 2011 flood incident, as well as a number of related issues which impact adversely on the predisposition of Ibadan to flooding.
    Such issues include the need to design a workable Solid Waste Management Masterplan, the imperative of a Flood Risk Management and Drainage Masterplan, and the essentiality of a comprehensive Ibadan City Masterplan. Also embedded in the Project design is a Flood Forecast and Early Warning System which is meant to make available to the residents the requisite resources to have prior awareness of possible flooding disasters and take the necessary precautionary measures. All of these are geared towards relieving Ibadan of the menace of incessant flooding and upgrading the city to its deserved status of a 21st Century Mega City.
    IUFMP achieves all of the foregoing through its contractors, consultants and other service providers, whose deliveries and submissions the PIU reviews, monitors and makes inputs into. Each assignment, task or sub-project is time-bound, measurable and target-oriented. And their success or otherwise lies in the ability to deliver in line with these parameters. 


    IUFMP infrastructure interventions

    Partnership for Sustainable Development

    Ibadan Urban Flood Management Project IUFMP on behalf of Oyo State Government signed a formal Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Ibadan to foster capacity development, knowledge exchange and promote long-term project sustainability through collaborative research, data information exchange, internship programs for students, short courses and training programs for government staff and other professionals, and all-round collaborations that bridge the academic-policy-industry gap through open data and innovation.

    With the rising thirst for innovative responses to managing flood risks in Ibadan, the University of Ibadan, in collaboration with IUFMP and other partners hosted the second season of the Ibadan Geo-Hackathon  completed in November 2020 with the theme,  Ibadan Urban Resilience: Leveraging the advanced geospatial visualization platform and geodatabases to deliver solutions focusing on three thematic areas: risk-informed decision making, urban resilient design, and innovative technology solutions for urban resilience.

    The winning submissions for the respective categories include: Smart Citi (a web-based application for automated flood-risk assessment and waste management) and Flood Health Risk Mapper (an industrial research innovation), and Fire Incidents: A Reoccurring Menace (a story on disaster resilience).

    Geohackathon Partnership UI - IUFMP

    Staff Profile

    Ibadan Urban Flood Management Project IUFMP is implemented through the organs of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) and the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), while provision is also made for the appointment of an Independent Advisory Group (IAG) made up of reputably experienced professionals in the key sectors of the Project’s operations. 

    The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) is made up of the following sub-units:

    1. Office of the Project Coordinator
    2. Engineering/Technical Unit
    3. Procurement/Quantity Surveying Unit
    4. Safeguards Unit (Environmental & Social)
    5. Fiduciary Unit (Finance & Audit)
    6. Monitoring & Evaluation (M & E) Unit
    7. GIS Unit
    8. Administrative Unit
    9. Communication Unit
    10. Information Technology & Web Management Unit

    Click to view IUFMP Staff Profile.

    IUFMP Specialists, Consultants and other staff members

    Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)

    World Bank policy puts considerable emphasis on the need to identify a systematic approach to addressing grievances at the community level in order to ensure a fair grievance redress process which will be accessible to all stakeholders. Location-specific grievance redress mechanisms were developed as a critical part of the Resettlement Action Plans to reduce potential social risks associated with the project.
    The IUFMP complaint management web platform was setup for the purpose of complaint/grievance management. Users can send complaints/grievances using this platform. These complaints are automatically logged and the users can track its status and also get feedback and acknowledgement.

    To use the IUFMP Complaint Management Platform simply create an account and login to drop your complaint.,